SEO Best Practices – 5 Awesome Tips to Supercharge SEO

Small and medium businesses are now incorporating cost-effective digital marketing techniques as a huge part of their overall marketing strategy.  At the core of their online campaign is the implementation of effective SEO techniques that drives targeted traffic from organic sources like Google or Bing. In simple terms, SEO is the inbound marketing approach that enables your audience to find you, which is in contrast to outbound marketing where you spend big bucks to advertise your business and hope it reaches your target audience.
Reap the benefits of cost-effective digital marketing techniques now. Here are 5 awesome tips to vastly improve SEO.
  1. Focus on Writing Amazing Content
Keyword saturation has become a thing of the past. Nowadays, Google’s search engine algorithms put much more weight on content than on keyword stuffing. So instead of putting together content that heavily relies on keyword saturation, invest your efforts on generating original and high-quality content. Google will reward you for your efforts.
  1. Perform Keyword Research
Although keyword saturation is out of trend, using the right set of keywords is still front and center to your SEO campaign. Do not write an article without conducting keyword research. The best tools to use are Google Keyword Tool and Uber Suggest.  Focus on writing topnotch content and integrate relevant keywords seamlessly. Keep in mind, you are writing for your audience and not for Google’s crawlers.
  1. Get Social
Changes within search engine algorithms now take into account social signals to improve visibility on search engine results. In other words, your website will rank higher if content gets a lot of shares on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. This condition further highlights the importance of writing articles with the experience of the reader in mind.
  1. Prioritize Mobile SEO
Times are changing quick. Nowadays, people use mobile devices more than desktop Internet. Com Score reports that in May 2014, mobile platforms like smartphones and tablets account for 60 percent of time spent on digital media. Furthermore, studies predict that in 2015, mobile devices would be used to perform over 50 billion local searches. These figures should motivate you to put mobile SEO at the top of your digital marketing strategy.
  1. Boost Website Speed
When Google ranks a website, it takes into consideration its loading speed. No one is a fan of slow loading websites, not you, not your reader, and most definitely not Google. Studies reveal that a reader expects a website to load in 2 seconds or less. Readers typically lose patience if a website loads in over 4 seconds. The odds of hitting the back button increase with every passing second.
If you wish to evaluate your website’s speed, head to Google PageSpeed Insights Tool or Pingdom Tool. These resources provide insights on how to boost your website’s speed at no cost. Optimizing the resolution of your images is another way to speed up your website. Never maximize an image’s resolution if it’s not necessary.
Google spiders love speedy websites. Accommodate these digital crawlers and watch your website improve its search engine rankings.

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